Bucket config

This library works best when you set the following environment variables:


Once these ENVs are set no other configuration is needed. Next-s3-upload will automatically read these ENVs when uploading files.

Using other ENVs

If you cannot define the environment variables from the previous section, you can create your own and pass them into the API route:

// pages/api/s3-upload.js
import { APIRoute } from "next-s3-upload";

export default APIRoute.configure({
  accessKeyId: process.env.CUSTOM_ENV_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
  secretAccessKey: process.env.CUSTOM_ENV_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
  bucket: "bucket-name",
  region: "us-east-1"

Remember to always store your accessKeyId and secretAccessKey in environment variables. It's a security risk to check-in the plain text version of these keys when using version control. Environment variables work best because they keep the actual values out of commit history.

Using IAM EC2 Instance Roles/Profiles

If you are using IAM Instance Roles on an EC2 instance, and wish to use the instance role to access S3, pass the following custom configuration object. The library will automatically attempt to connect using the role assigned to the EC2 instance.

// pages/api/s3-upload.js
import { APIRoute } from "next-s3-upload";

export default APIRoute.configure({
  bucket: "bucket-name",
  useInstanceRole: true

Bucket endpoint

You can also set the bucket endpoint as well as the path style using the API route. This is only needed if you are using a non-AWS host.

// pages/api/s3-upload.js
import { APIRoute } from "next-s3-upload";

export default APIRoute.configure({
  // ..
  endpoint: "https://my.endpoint",
  forcePathStyle: true

Now your upload will work with any S3 compatible web host.